
The power of zero and other Prague happenings.

So because Prague was so impressive on day one, on day two, we wanted to be as impressive as the city. This meant a cute outfit, makeup, hair- the works. I don’t know if this ever happens to you, but when the showers are nasty and cold your desire to groom yourself well goes straight down the toilet. Or, you are just lazy and using dry shampoo becomes your go to (and blaming it on the showers conditions makes you feel better about practically being a hobo). Well, either way, I have fallen as a victim of this rut many a times. Not on Prague day two. I was just a beaming little beauty and I got to finally use the cute hat I lugged here all the way from America (hats are NOT travel/suitcase friendly people).

After we were all feeling pretty and were ready for the day, we decided to head up to the Prague castle and Cathedral. This is the place I had been dying to go. I couldn’t be more excited. When I saw it, it didn’t disappoint. It was stunning. I could just stare at it all day. The cathedral is at the top of a big hill so we spent a ton of time just admiring the view of the city of steeples. We also took plenty of Prague selfies because we were in Prague duh.

On the way back down the hill, we got traditional Czech trdelnik (that is not a typo). Trdelnik is incredibly delicious. It is kinda like a cinnamon roll but it is in the shape of a tube. The make it by putting a slab of dough on a metal tube and smoothing the dough around the tube into a cylinder. We had seen people eating them all day, and we were so excited to try one. When we did, we were hooked! When I get home, I need to find out where I can get myself a trdelnik. This just made us even more hungry. We decided to go out to eat.

As we were on our restaurant search, we happened upon the most adorable little outdoor café you have ever seen. It was complete with fresh flowers on the tables, a cute bow-tied waiter, and blankets to wrap yourself in if you were cold. I would say we picked a winner of a restaurant. Good job team.
After our fun café experience, we decided to go to the Old Jewish district. We had gone there yesterday, and we wanted to go in the museum and explore it more fully. We walked all the way to the ticket office, and then we realized that none of us had enough money. Luckily, Paige offered to spot us, and we would pay her back in the next country. Since I don’t like any of the girls to be in the city alone, I went with her. It was a good thing too because crap was about to go down in the lives of Paige and Mikele.

We got to the ATM, and I told Paige to take out about 2,000 CZK’s which is about 90 USD. This would be enough for all six of us girls to enter the museum and eat dinner to finish off the time in Prague. Well, Paige didn’t take out 2,000 CZK’s… She took out 20,000! That is about 1,000$ USD! Let me replay the scene for you. I was literally freaking out.

 M- “Paige did you get the money?”

P- “Ya I got it… Mikele? There is something wrong here.”

M- “What Paige? Let me see…. OH MY GOSH PAIGE YOU HAVE 20,000 czechies!!!!! What are we going to do? Ah! Paige OMG we have to go back to the ATM.”

 I seriously thought the ATM broke and we won the lottery. I told her we had to find the ATM people and tell them that the ATM was broken and we would give the money back. At this point, we walked back to the ATM and luckily there were three very kind American women there. We explained to them what had happened. Then they told us the saddening news. Paige didn’t win the ATM lottery. She accidentally pushed the wrong button on the ATM and every single cent she took out was hers. We were stuck with it. All 20,000 Czechies of it.

Paige pretty much started sweating to death at this point. We were two young girls with the equivalent of 1000 American dollars on our hands in one of the most renown pick-pocketers locations in the world. Crap.  We started shoving money in our bras, in the obscure pockets of our purse, anywhere so that it could be split up. The three nice American ladies even bought 200$ off us. Bless their souls. Now we only had an 800$ problem left. We probably looked so suspicious walking back to the ticket office. We seriously couldn’t wait to split the money up and get it on as many bodies as possible.

When we told the other girls they tried their best not to laugh. It was a serious situation, but it was a tad funny. Who knew one zero could do so much damage? Our plan of attack was to find out where a real bank was a switch it back. We found the least sketchy bank/ exchange shop we could and went inside. We got the whole situation under control and could finally walk the streets without feeling like we were going to get jumped.

After we could breathe easy, we went back to our hostel, dropped off our stuff, and went to the grocery store. It was getting dark at this point, so it was fun to walk the charming streets while all the nightlife was coming out. My two favorite things were a hippy dread locked man creating giant bubbles, and a highly talented Asian man who was playing songs with cups. It was so fun to watch. At the grocery store we picked up a few cheap snacks for the bus ride the next day. Then we went back to the hostel and just did what traveling girls do best…. sleep.

I love you Prague. 
XO Mikele