
Mozart Balls.

So here we go. Here is the tale of Vienna the third country on our insane traveling extravaganza. Vienna, to be honest, you aren't my favorite place, but you have some lovely features and dang good falafel I’ll give you that.

When we arrived to Vienna it was crucial that we got all checked in and ready to go in a timely manner. The reason why this was so important was because one of Hannah’s friends from high school lives in Vienna, and she told us she would show us around. This was very exciting because it was like we had our own private little tour guide.

We met up with Hannah’s friend Nicole at a restaurant called Vapiano. Even though we were in Austria, they have this restaurant in Lithuania too and we had been dying to go try it out. I had heard great things about it, and it truly lived up to its good name. I almost felt like I had been transported back to America. The restaurant was clean, the food was good, and the ambiance was so modern and open. Then, we would remember that no one speaks English very well and they use the dang euro (I am not a fan. Mostly I don’t like it just because the exchange rate is so bad for the dollar!).  This restaurant was up to par.  The coolest feature about it was how you paid.

When you walked in the door they would hand each person a card. Then, you walk back to where they were cooking the food and stand in line. You choose your noodle and sauce and a dashing bow-tied man would personally make it for you while you watched (kinda like cafĂ© rio but with pasta.) Then when he hands the pasta to you and asks for your card. He then loads on the price of the pasta, breads and drinks that you ordered. After you go and eat your amazing meal, you go to check out and hand them your card. Once you have paid, you can leave the building. I know what you are thinking, I thought it too. What if someone loses their card? Or tries to leave without paying? Well, really you can’t. There is a guard at the door. He will stop you from leaving. If you lose your card, it costs you like 50 euros. That isn’t a fun option. It is just better to pay for your food and leave peaceably. It was so good. We even got to wear really fancy bibs. We will definitely be going again when we are home in Lithuania.

After we were nice and full, Nicole took us all around the town. Our first stop was a traditional Austrian candy store. I am pretty sure candy, chocolate, and food is my love language, so I was more than thrilled to try this Austrian candy. Guess what Nicole told us that we absolutely had to try? You guessed it. Mozart balls. (The more I think about it the funnier it is.) We got some and tried them. They were pretty nasty. Sorry Mozart nobody likes your balls... Candy balls that is.   

After, we wondered around and saw a bunch of grandiose white buildings that all pretty much looked the same to me.  What I probably enjoyed most was seeing Nicole’s university. It was beautiful. Also, she gets to attend for free.  FOR FREE PEOPLE. FREE COLLEGE. I could hardly believe it. Apparently many countries in Europe offer students free tuition. Here I am busting my butt to try and get a bigger scholarship and I still feel like I pay an arm and a leg. I just hope these university students know how good they have it.

Once we were done we had to say goodbye to Nicole. She had to attend an evening class at her university. She was such a sweetheart. I feel privileged I got to spend the day with such a sweet, beautiful and intelligent Austrian. Once Nicole was gone, we had to find something to do. We decided on the palace. We have a shortage of palaces in America, and I didn't want to pass up my chance here.

The palace was very classy (as a palace should be). We spent a good while taking pictures and just staring at it. Since it was too expensive for us to go inside, we decided to venture to the back where the gardens were. They were magnificent. I wish I could have been wearing a powdered wig, fancy dress and played croquet out behind the place. It was massive and had the nicest shrubs. At the very back was a beautiful fountain. We made the long trek back to see it and it was lovely. What is a palace without a good fountain anyways?

Finally, when we were done at the palace it was time to go back to the hostel. After we had eaten yummy pasta, tried Mozart balls, and seen a palace it was finally alright to call it a night.

Goodnight Vienna. See you again in the morning.

XO Mikele