

I announce a break from my usual travel excursion updates to show you some recent pictures of our last service project. We painted again and I just had the time of my life.

I may or may not have originally painted one of the train cars to look like a Christmas present.... I guess that is what happens when you are trying to use up all the extra red and green paint and you decide it is an okay idea to put them on the same train car. Whoops. You win some and you lose some. The best part is the kids adore all the paintings regardless of my poor color combo choice. They would walk by and Oooohhh and Ahhhh as they passed. Occasionally I would even recognize a Russian or Lithuanian praise like "gerai" or "harasho." It made me happy to see that our little gift brightened their day.

That folks, is why I am here. To see the smile on all the cute kid's faces.

XO Mikele