
That Berlin Wall

For most of the time I have been in Europe I have been in places I have never thought about going. It isn’t that I didn’t think they were cool countries, they are, I just never really thought about them. If I had never thought about them, how would I know I wanted to visit? Berlin, on the other hand, is a place I have always wanted to go, but never thought I would reach. Well, It was the first stop on our crazy ten days five countries vacation and I couldn’t have been more excited about it.

After our  whooping 16 hour long bus ride from Vilnius to Berlin, we had finally arrived at our destination. We gladly hopped off the bus and began the journey to the hostel. Of course knowing us, we got lost. While we were trying to find the right tube (subway, but I prefer tube like them local folks say), a sweet little woman stopped and tried to help us. When we showed her our map, she literally pulled out a magnifying glass to see it. It was the most precious thing. We got on the right tube, and hurriedly found our way to the hostel. Thanks magnifying glassed grandma. You were the cutest.

After we checked in, we really had to hurry to get to the Berlin wall. We only had a few more hours of daylight, and we really wanted to get a good daylight view of one of the most famous walls in the history of walls. We decided to go to Charlie’s Checkpoint first. When we got there, there was this booth where fake American soldiers were posing. Obviously we had to get some pics. After paying a stinking 5$, we took a bunch of pictures with these dudes. They were sooo funny. One of them grabbed my arm and the other one started taking selfies on Jessica’s cell phone. After this little adventure, we realized how pressed for time we really were. It would be dark very soon. So, we left, hopped back on the tube and rode to the wall.

 When we got to the wall, I was so amazed. I have always been one that loves graffiti. I think it has a time and place and obviously I don’t like it everywhere, but I loved the art/ graffiti on this wall. We spent probably the next hour taking tons of pictures next to all of the cool graffiti we could find. To be honest, I felt like I could stay for even longer than we did. We ended up leaving because it was getting dark, cold, and we were all experiencing mild starvation since we hadn’t eaten in hours. (We are pretty big cheap-o’s so it is our own fault. Don't worry mom.)

On the way to get dinner, we decided to go see a building that had some sort of significant meaning. I will admit, it was really beautiful building but I had absolutely no idea what sort of special meaning it had. I did like looking at it though. After we saw the building, we decided to try and find some traditional German cuisine. We got tips from a tourist shop about a cool strip of traditional restaurants that were pretty close by. Unfortunately, on the way there, everybody got mad and cranky. The group was all complaining and we couldn't quite agree on a restaurant to eat at. Finally, after a whole lot of wasted time, we finally agreed upon a restaurant that seemed reasonably priced and very traditional.

The ambiance of the restaurant was wonderful. Rosie and I decided to buy two dishes, split the price, and try as much German stuff as possible. We decided on schnitzel and a bratwurst. I don’t know about you, but I always imagined that schnitzel was like a fancy pancake or bread. Bratwurst on the other hand I thought was the most delicious savory sausage in the world. Rosie and I were both saddened that the schnitzel was just fancy country fried steak and the bratwurst was just a plain old hotdog. Come on Germany! I expected more from you. Maybe I just went to a bad restaurant… Who knows.

Thanks for the great time Berlin! 
XO Mikele