After we were done with our bags, we purchased subway tickets to the city center. From there we would be able to ride a boat through the city's canals. While on the subway, I remembered how fond I am of them. They brought me back to the good ol' China days where Kandis, Mindy and I would run as fast as we could to get seats. (If you ask me, the China subways are much more organized. I like it.) I had fun thinking about the events that led me up to my new European Adventure. When we got to the subway station and walked upstairs, I was instantly impressed. The architecture there was just magnificent. I felt like each building had a beautiful story to tell about the city's past. The canals were so close to the subway station. When I saw them is when I fell in love. Seriously, It is the dang cutest city I have ever seen!
Here are some pics to prove it.
(P.S. Half of these pictures are stolen from my girls cause my camera died. Also, they were taken on the most adorable little boat tour!)
Are you dying yet? Look at those adorable buildings. I want one with a matching tugboat.
From this beautiful spiral building they say if you stand at the tippy top you can see all the way to Sweden.
Apparently this is a statue of the founder of Copenhagen. He has a very mighty steed.
Mighty Danish flag.
Copenhagen has the best street art. I love this idea!
I love this one too. I especially enjoy how the facial hair is weeds of some type.
This is me and my girls! They are the best best best!
From Left to Right: (Me, Rosie, Hannah, Rachel, Paige, Jessica)
After the boat tour, we wandered the streets and admired the amazing street art. I think more cities should follow their influence! After, we went and bought some postcards and ate the most amazing pizza. It was such a successful day!
I just love love love you Copenhagen don't doubt that I will be back to explore you more one day!!
XO Mikele