
The Grand Finale

There is only one more place left to tell about on this crazy vacation. To be honest, it wasn't one I was excited to go to, but it definitely proved me wrong. It completely blew my mind.

Ok.  Are you ready to know where we went? Get ready for it..... We went to the Krakow salt mines!

Ya, they sound real lame. Good thing they were so much cooler than they sound. It was the perfect way to cheer us all up from our Auschwitz depression.

Here are some pics. I seriously died in this place it was magnificent.

I don't think that the pictures accurately depict how amazing this place was. This is one of the oldest salt mines in the world that is still in operation. Inside, there are 3 cathedrals. (Cathedrals underground in a mine? Seriously mind boggling.) One of these cathedrals is completely carved out of salt by the miners. I couldn't believe it. (It is pictured above. It is the one with all the chandeliers.) I could stand and admire the beauty of that place for hours on end. Apparently, they do about 7 weddings inside a year and it costs quite a pretty penny to have your wedding there. Inside the salt cathedral they have even sculpted religious paintings and figurines. My favorite was that they sculpted Da Vinci's Last Supper right into the wall. How stinking cool.

Another thing that just tickled my fancy was the lake. I have always wanted to go to an underground lake and now I can say that I have in Poland. Holla. I can also say that I have licked the wall of a salt cave in Poland and drank from the waters of it's salt pools.(The tour guide gave us permission and the girls and I jumped right on that opportunity.) Major win of a day in the life of Mikele. 

Krakow was really really good to us, and I am so happy that we finished off our wonderful vacation with a bang. 

(Now we just have a bazillion hours of buses and trains and then we will finally be back to home sweet Lithuania.) 

Goodbye Krakow!

XO Mikele