
A Bath fit for a Queen.

Holla if you have been to Budapest because Budapest is the best. Let's just recap this wonderful place.  The bus ride from Vienna to Budapest felt like an eternity. The bus was running late, and when we finally got there, half our day was gone. When we finally arrived, we hurried as fast as we could to check in to our hostel and get our Budapest fun on. 

We made it with just enough time to go to the Szechenyi baths. Budapest is famous for having these grand spas. We had been feeling the wear and tear on our bodies from the Lithuanian children as well as hauling all of our stuff from country to country, so we were all really excited to say the least! We rode on the subway with our towels and arrived at the beautiful Szechenyi.

After you pay for your ticket, they give you this sweet wristband that serves as your ticket and your locker key (technology these days is amazing). We hurried and changed in to whatever we had,( I wore a yoga tank and some Nike shorts and because I desperately need a swim suit), and went out to the spa. Essentially the spa is the biggest hot tub you have ever seen surrounded by the most beautiful gold building. Other than Paige jokingly trying to drown me, we had an extremely peaceful time just floating around in the steaming water. While we were just floating around we observed all of the Europeans and their amazing zest for PDA. There were people left and right just macking on each other and we literally thought it was the funniest thing ever (mature I know).  Right after we had witnessed about the 7th intimate couple, we realized that the fancy building was more than just a building. There were hot tubs inside too! We skedaddled right on out of there and went inside.

When I walked inside I felt like I walked right back to the olden times where the people of high status would hang out in their noble spas all day. All I needed was a person to feed me grapes and fan me with leaves to straight up feel like royalty in this place. Everywhere was just so fancy. We spent a lot of time just tub hopping, but we also went in the sauna. I just love saunas and I hadn't been in one for months so this was pretty exciting business.

When we were done inside, we couldn't quite say goodbye to the grand Szechenyi until we went outside and floated around again. For the rest of the time Rosie, Hannah, Paige and I just floated around bonding over typical girl stuff like food and boys… ect. It was such a fun night. When we were all done we kissed Szechenyi goodbye, went home to the hostel, and slept like a rock.

(Sorry for the poor quality photos.... but it was a high quality night so eh.)

Boy do I love Budapest already. Like I said before, Budapest is best.

XO Mikele