
Sveeters and Sveeden

Ok, by this point Sweden seems like another life ago. I know it has been so long since we went, but this blogging business takes a long time!

So on Day three I woke up pretty sick. When you hardly eat, sleep or drink water it does something to your body. Bad things. I knew better before I did a number on my body, but my cheap side won over my logical keep your body healthy side. Anyways, I did not feel good.
We all got up, got ready and packed our things and said goodbye to one of the strangest hostels I have been to in my life. Thankfully they gave us some directions, but just like always we managed to get lost. We all started asking people frantically on the bus where we needed to go. Heaven shined upon us and we met Timothy. Timothy looks exactly like the black vampire off of twilight. He had the piercing eyes, the great dreads and buff yet skinny black man body. He also dressed very posh as well. To make him even cooler, he moved to Norway from Africa. He told us that he didn't mind taking us to the station because he was on his way there as well. When we got to the station, he brought us all the way to the train and made sure all of our tickets were in order before he left. What a nice guy. (I still thought he might have the urge to suck my blood.... Kidding.) We rode the train all the way to the airport.
At the airport, we quickly and easily got our tickets and went through security. Every airport I have gone to, I have had problems with these brown boots I wear practically daily. For some reason, they beep EVERY SINGLE TIME. Just like always, when I walked through the metal detector, I beeped. Instead of having me take my shoes of and try again, I got a full on pat down in front of everyone. I was laughing hysterically because all of my roommates were yelling cat calls at me because apparently the dude was cute who was doing it. I honestly never really check guys out these days and I was a little annoyed at the fellow for not letting me re-walk through without my shoes like everyone else. Oh well. Now I can say I have had a full on pat down by a supposedly attractive Norwegian police airport man. Oh a day in the life of Mikele...
When we got to the Sweden airport, we were all sorts of excited. It is so cool to land somewhere new. You have no idea what that place holds in store for you, and it is up to the explorer within you to find out. I just love it. At the airport, we did all the necessities. We got some moola, visited tourist information, the typical stuff. Tourist information pointed us to the bus that would take us to the city. We said our thank yous, and boarded the bus. Unknowingly, Paige had left one of her carry on bags in the tourist information center. This particular bag had her 250$ sweater that she got in Santa town Norway. That is one valuable sweater. Frantically she got off the bus to find it. Simultaneously, the people were running out of tourist information to give it to us. God bless you honest tourist information people. You're the best.
When we got into Stockholm, I was just dying. It is the cutest place. I was much more impressed with it than I was with Oslo. It had shopping, the cute streets full of colorful buildings, and tons of beautiful statues and flowers all around. Another thing I thought was really wonderful about Stockholm was the fact that it was on the water. I love cities on the water. They are just so fun.
We wandered all around the streets looking for either the hostel or a tourist information booth. By this point we were extremely starving. We found a panini restaurant and ate like savages. This is what happens to you are staving for days.
After we quickly put our stuff in our hostel and went out to explore the streets. It was rainy, so we went bundled up in our umbrellas and coats to see all the cute sights of Stockholm.

 This was probably one of my favorite streets in all of Stockholm. (It is the one on all the postcards.)

 As with all landmarks, we couldn't feel complete without a jumping picture. 


Just cheesing it up in front of some special building. 

Channeling my inner 5 yr. old. 

We had such a blast exploring the town. Our only foe to the evening was the fact that it was just raining and raining and raining. It was soooooooooo cold! We all had to wear coats and carry umbrellas. Apparently we needed better umbrellas as shown below:

 Hannah's umbrella was a wee bit broken.

It even got stuck in her hair. 

Rachel's umbrella takes the cake though. It just snapped all the way in two.

Here is us bonding in a umbrella huddle. (This is what you have to do in order to protect your map from mother nature. )

It was a good rainy day in Sweden.

XO Mikele