
A day of vikings and Santa town

Like I said before, Norway day two was much better than Norway day one. This was the case for a  few reasons.
#1 Viking ships 
#2  A Ferry Ride
#3 Santa Town

Let's just take a gander at the beautiful wonders that Norway day two has in store. First off, check out this very cool and very authentic viking ship. I cannot believe very husky bearded men really rode around in these things. It is saweeeeet.

 Viking ship for the win.

Selfie in a viking helmet because it's what all the cool kids are doing.

I really really enjoyed the viking museum.  I think I can owe my love for vikings to the time I went to Disney World with my family. We we went, Hannah Montana was still a big deal. Unfortunately, she was having her Christmas concert the same day we went. Due to the over population of Hannah Montana fans, my dad banished our family to hanging out in the Epcot park far away from any teeny boppers wearing  their Hannah Montana memorabilia. Epcot may be lamest thing Disney has ever created, but, they did have a viking ride I found extremely enthralling. Ever since, I have been all about vikings. I think they are just the coolest.   Inside the museum there were three large ships. They even had some viking bones. I was just straight up happy to be there.

We visited a few more museums really close to the viking museum. One museum was about a polar fram, and the other was about a Norwegian who visited Easter Island. They were alright, but I really liked the viking one the best. After a while we were feeling a little museumed out. So, we took some pictures by the beautiful water. After pictures, we decided to take a ferry to the fjord where Santa supposedly lives.  I mean come on. Who dosen't love Santa? I mean everyone has got to love that jolly guy. We said audios to the museums and went back to the center of Oslo to catch a ferry to Santa town (otherwise known as Drobak). 

Now little did we know, but the weekend we were in Oslo, there was some sort of crazy marathon going on. Getting to the water to catch a ferry without getting trampled proved to be quite the challenge. Somehow we managed and we caught the beautiful ferry to Drobak. 

 I just adore ferry rides. They make me feel so serene.

When we got to  Santa Town (Drobak), we decided it was one of the cutest towns ever.This was a good thing too because Santa's house was already closed by the time we arrived. This was a big ol' bummer but it ended up being okay because there were so many other things to explore. It was teeny tiny town, but it had all the makings of a good town. It had the cobble stone streets, yummy cafes, the colorful houses, cute boutiques and the extremely kind locals. We wandered around and just made ourselves at home. One of our favorite findings were these special little signs. They were ALL over Drobak. 

Clearly the poor little town had some issues with the dog poops in the past. Good thing this sign so clearly depicted that dog poop is not allowed. Thanks sign. 

We also stumbled upon the cutest house/ car in the history of ever.

 Also, these naked mermaids. Mermaids are my spirit animal so I was happy about this.

Overall, we had a happy quaint little time in Drobak. I am  so very happy we went!

When we got back to Oslo after a beautiful bus ride, we had one last adventure. We wanted to find Vigeland Park. Vigeland park is one of the most famous places in Oslo. It is this giant part completely full of magnificent statues. I had been wanting to see it the whole time, so we decided to go even if it was creepy and dark outside. This was a tad challenging. We had to ride the tube (subway) all the way there and then walk around until we could find it. Like an hour and asking 10 people later we finally made it. The park was magnificent! I felt like I hopped into the movie Hercules. I swear I was in the same park that Herc and Meg had their first date. It was full of all these pretty pillars and statues. I just loved it. I wish we would have spent some time in the daylight there.
Nevertheless, I am still glad we went.

Norway Day two, you rocked my socks off. 

XO Mikele

 P.S. I found my dad's classic sweater.

 I found the exact Norwegian sweaters my dad bought from Costco years ago. He just looks so Norwegian chic every sabbath. 

I wanted to buy him another one... but they cost 300 buckaroos...